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So far admin has created 4 blog entries.

Sponsored 457 Visa Review

The Federal Government will reduce regulation and strengthen integrity of Australia's 457 sponsored worker program. "For example, in relation to the integrity of the 457 program [they] will increase[e] focus on, and resourcing for monitoring of 457 sponsors," Senator Cash said. There may also be a new penalty making it unlawful for sponsors to be

By |2019-06-09T14:47:16+10:00March 22nd, 2015|news|0 Comments

Assistant Minister Cash

Assistant Minister Cash is very keen to resolve matters for those applicants in GSM processing Priority Group 5 and DIBP will shortly be providing her with various options for solutions for this group.

By |2015-03-18T05:21:08+11:00February 24th, 2015|news|Comments Off on Assistant Minister Cash

Kaur v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2014] FCA 915

It is legally unreasonable for the Department to make a decision on the review without making a reasonable attempt to get in touch with the applicant by phone or email, and without giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity to present their case.

By |2015-03-18T05:19:04+11:00December 18th, 2014|news|Comments Off on Kaur v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2014] FCA 915

Minister for Immigration v Lee & Ors [2014] FCCA 2881

The MRT do not have jurisdiction to review a 457 visa application when the associated nomination application was refused, even if that nomination is currently under review.

By |2015-03-19T04:49:15+11:00December 10th, 2014|news|Comments Off on Minister for Immigration v Lee & Ors [2014] FCCA 2881
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